Sunday 14 October 2012

2364 Diary October 12 2012 Hillsborough Justice news and Free Thinking

It is five minutes to nine in the morning of October 12th 2012 after a better night where I went to sleep watching Politics This Week but managed to get to sleep quickly on going to bed and experiencing several long sleeps despite a chesty cough which niggles. I have put the bin out noting it is a week for the green bin but it will do another two weeks even longer before doing so becomes a necessity. I have played chess to game thirty level three and reached 8400 wins in Free Cell. There is some improvement although not significant in computer performance after using available software tools provided by the operating system.

My main activity this morning is to go to the GP practice for my flu jab at 11.25 so I need to be ready by 11 and with rain about I may take the car to the park within a short walk from the centre. It seems sensible to stock up with liquorice and night mints while the price is at the low of 27p less on 89p by purchasing 3 bags at a time. It is also time to start thinking about Halloween callers although Azda has provided the packets of suitable sweets to hand out to the callers. It is nearly time to begin to think about Christmas, groan.

There are two other activities on the agenda. One is to check with the insurance regarding an extra 5% discount because of my GMB membership and the other is to order more cartridges for the new printer and seek a cash return for those of the Lexmark still to hand although it could be outside the three months which usually applies. I have decided to continue work on the Snack Thief with a cup of coffee. It is fish and vegetables for lunch and either trying toasted cheese sleeves although I suspect I will need different size bread to fit in the toaster or spaghetti on toast

12.30 Returned from flu jab where I had a chat with the nurse which covered sleep apnoea and the NHS direct service which I hope we both enjoyed. I was able to park at the Practice site and afterwards call in at Morrison’s for another three X3 of packet Liquorice and butter Mintoes. I propose to stock up for at least three months supply, possibly six month at the concession price if I can.

I wrote following in a rush which duplicates and makes no sense but I am including as an example of what my writing can be like before correction,,,,,,,,, (The night Mintoes, where at most I have two a night, last 10 days or more but I tend to consume three packs of liquorice a week and have a months supply already to hand so another two months is required. My target is to be at least ten sets more of three and store in one of the baskets of the old fridge freezer which is used as a store at least 10 more sets of three. With the night mintoes where each packet covers at least 10 days three packets cover a month and therefore total of 6 sets covers six months and where I already have a supply for two months if not more).

Watched the end of Bargain Hunt and the first part of the news where two aspects of the Hillsborough tragedy and cover up scandal took a giant leap forward. The Police Complaints Commission they would investigate the conduct of all the police officers, particularly those of he senior command. The Director of Public Prosecution said he would be looking the question of manslaughter charge and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice interviewing all the officers involved. This brought approval from representatives of the victims and their families. The remaining issue is being considered by the Attorney General and this is question of setting aside the original Inquest and agreeing to new ones for the relatives who wish. There was more allegations re Jimmy Saville and according to one set of headlines noted in the newspapers at Morrison’s there are three other well known names being associated with Saville with the implication of some kind of ring.

Earlier in the morning on local radio I listened to the first person, then a five month baby who received a heart transplant at the Freeman Hospital 25 years ago. Although she requires daily medication she has become an athlete as well as continuing studies.

16.15 I have two success this afternoon in checking with my insurances brokers where renewal had been notified at only 40 pence extra a month regarding a further discount of union membership. It was necessary to cancel the insurance and issue a new one but worth it as I achieved a saving of £40. I had quite a chat as the person appeared new, perhaps a trainee explaining about Vespasian and promoting the virtues of the car.

I then contacted IJT direct and purchased 10 sets of the two blacks required for the machine and obtained the September sale concession so the cartridges 10 of each cost only £51 in total compared to £102 with the 50% sale code. I also was able to them to take back six of then ten cartridges I had left from the Lexmark which after postage should net around £20 making a total saving to day of over £110 on the day including the savings on the sweets.

The other success today was using the toasting sleeve at lunchtime. I tested and found that the apertures in the toaster would take the sleeve containing two of the thick bread slices and later found that it was also possible to sandwich a sliced tomato between slices of cheese. I had a tomato soup and a couple of crackers. The grapes were poor and I only eat a few.

The Sage Concert Halls have sent a brochure about the broadcasting of weekend of talk and drama over the beginning of November under banner of Free Thinking.

19.00 I have been successful in getting eight free tickets for shows to be broadcast as part at the Sage November 3-5th. I have missed out on some of key broadcasts including the former President of Ireland Mary Robinson, Andrew Marr with Start of the week and Kate Aidie. I have a ticket for the Radio 3 Drive Time show on Friday afternoon and will enquire if there are any returns when I do and possibly join queue when the show ends with half an hour before the Mary Robinson Lecture.

On Saturday there is a full day with 4 tickets but spaced with a short talk on the role of GP and analysis quickly followed by a panel programme which includes Andrew Marr on rewriting History which ends at lunch time. There is just a short break though so I may purchase a sandwich or baguette beforehand as I do want to listen to Polly Tybee on a second panel programme about Social Mobility. There is a short piece about being an Expat or Immigrant and then an important lecture part of the Newcastle University Free Public lecture series on politics and parties and which causes me to wonder why I have not explored the availability of free public lectures at local universities before now.

All three have different kinds of programmes with Sunderland going for eye catching personalities including Steve Cram on the background to the Olympic success starting the series last night. I was able to get tickets for three lectures in the New Year. I will try get one for Chris Mullin  next months and create adrfat priogramme fior the other universities

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