Thursday 11 October 2012

2361 Diary Octo 10 2012 the Duchess and I go to Newcastle

It is another bright morning October 10th 2012 and I will shortly get myself ready to go to Newcastle to Lakeland for another microwave dish, two more egg poaching pouches and the toaster toasted sandwich sleeves. More about which another occasion I also want some spring flowering bulbs. It is just before 9 am and I have been up wasting time for an hour and half playing chess and Free Cell patience. I had some mushrooms and tomatoes for breakfast with coffee.

I had an interesting dream (s) which I have not been able to work out. There were two reoccurring recent themes. The first is where I am in a building. Some times a variation of a place where I am at work, a Town Hall with entrances/exits which end at unrecognisable places or a departmental store. With similar issues about where I sometimes find myself. I am usually going somewhere specific, a place to eat or to meet up someone, and usually someone I know. Sometimes I find myself in unknown territory getting further and further away from where want/need to be although there is sometimes a but, usually the last which I sometimes miss and there are no other means of transport, sometimes I know a way to a railway station, and some times I get back to where I want to be. Other instances involve moving between floors in the building and finding one is required to take a risk, difficult stairways, having to jump. I enquire or search for an easy way. This was one aspect of the dream this morning. And my original family, the aunties were involved. I was due to meet one of them who also worked in the building at a restaurant but I found myself in the area. Then there was something like a fire or alarm and we all had to be moved. In this instance some distance away to a strange building or series of buildings passing stalls peopled by Muslims... I told someone, I wanted to see the President I had a message, I was being challenged, where did I come from and instead of saying New York than Washington as I knew we had all been moved.
I have won £6.40 in the lottery with two numbers and a star. It is the fourth time I have one small amount in the Euro lottery with the same numbers with a month. I had the TV on last night when the numbers came up and recognised that I had three, I checked emails and there is no notification but there is a winner notice on the account and the on line ticket check also confirmed. Interesting

13.15 I had an excellent visit to Newcastle, having been made aware in advance that the Duchess of Cambridge was coming to town when listening to BBC North East Radio while I was getting ready in thee bathroom. William was scheduled to be with her but had to cancel with the Funeral of a former Nanny. As I crossed over from the Monument Mall Metro entrance to Eldon Square Shopping centre I noticed a hoard of police including police horses and barriers on either side of the road in anticipation of the Royal cars. The Monument Mall building is being ripped apart from the inside with little progress appearing to have been made. It is possible to exit by the escalator or lift from the basement level to the ground level but everything thing else is barriered off and looks a mess.

I was able to find a copy of the morning Metro paper to look at for the early part of travel. The Celia Imrie Who do you think you are programme is tonight having being cancelled last week. She has aristocratic connections. The other papers are fill of the Police statement regarding Jimmy Saville and other celebrities at the BBC where there is now significant accounts that he had sex with many young people below the age of consent, mainly girls 13 -16 although a man has now come forward to say he was molested as a child. The family have removed the recently created elaborate grave stone following official and public reaction to the revelations. It is one thing to talk of the culture developed in the late fifties through to the seventies following the availability of the contraceptive pill, but the information suggests calculated systematic predatory behaviour of a criminal nature. To talk of sexual abuse not accurate as if somehow abuse is less harmful than criminal assault. There was an anything goes culture and very young girls threw themselves at rock and pop stars, just as there had been lots of casual and promiscuous activity associated with the peace movement of the late 1950’s and sixties, but what is being reported about Saville is of a different order and what also appears high level cover up meriting investigation as it is underway by the Police and the BBC.

All around the Monument in Newcastle there is a seasonal street market with some substantial cabin like stalls offering objects, novelties, clothing and lots of food including great cauldrons of Paella, Chilli con Carne and other dishes, mountains of Greek olives, large chunks of fudge, Mexican dishes, Hog Roast and others foods to tempt the palate on such a cold morning.

I have been into Eldon Square via Monument Metro Station earlier this year but not noted the extent of the changes that have taken place ion the ships on the first floor especially the Tyneside Film Theatre Film School on two floors. There is of course the new extension leading to the new departmental store and other fashion stores which attracts huge numbers on a Saturday attracting people to the City and away from the Metro centre on the outskirts of Gateshead. I am still surprised that both former Departmental Stores in Sunderland are now closed, Binns and the one in High Street although another opened in the extension to the uncover centre which I remember as once open streets.

I had a good look around Lakeland while I searched for another Microwave dish holder, not in the same place as before but I then found the poached egg pouches and bought two in orange as those given were in green so I will use one of each colour. I missed the Toasted sandwich bags/sleeves which were adjacent and had to ask an assistant. I could not resist three packs of soft chocolate covered nougat bars for £3.98 delicious as have been wolfing them since. I needed the loo and went up a floor noting in the opposite corner the North East Artists cooperative with ten galleries or rooms featuring the work of those involved. There is a wide range of artists on show here and price from a couple of hundred to several thousand pounds. I was Interested in industrial scenes of miners, Tyneside ship yard workers and locals, I did not linger too long as I do not have the resources to purchases and was not as a consequence interested in a window shop. I did have look at the Comet PC World store with a check on additional computer memory with costs around £75 to £100 but which I suspect I will need to have professionally fitted as it did not appear the same as additional storage. I promised myself an Internet check which I will do now.

I am not sure of the basis of the problem which could be a virus or malware of some kind so I have attempted system restore and other system support rather than go to a purchase. I will consult a local store if the problem persists. I reminded myself the need for a new answer phone and have reserved one at Argos to be collected tomorrow and costs under £20 as a half price sale item. It has a cordless handset. I have the reservation number on mobile and will go for it when printer arrives. The delivery company have sent email with a tracker check but as yet they have received the package to advise the expected delivery slot.

On both journeys I read more of The Snack Thief and made a few notes. Although tired on arrival at South Shields I decided to in search of spring flowering bulbs. There was a large group of young people leaving the station and three young girls possibly sixth formers possible students at Hebburn College liked noticed a pair of mixed bright colourful high heels worn by a well dressed woman in her twenties. The shoes were attractive as well as the heels high and not the usual wear for the day time street of South Shields. The girls were envious and then I overhead a comment by one of the accompanying young men in the party that this was the first time one or more of the girls had been to South Shields which I found amazing given the evident North East accents. There was a congregation of other young people who this group greeted at the King Street entrance to the Station and they stood there and later when I passed several were eating sandwiches or had drinks with them. They had departed the next time I passed the station entrance,

I went first in search of a £1 cheese and pickle baguette and was shocked to find these had been priced up to £1.50. When I checked at the two other Gregg stores it was confirmed the £1 baguette is no more although there was a ham for £1.30. The justification is greater cheese and pickle which I agree did make a difference but a 50% increase I ask you?

However any disappointment was offset by the visit to the original Pound wise store in the look out of springtime bulbs. I noticed some 2013 pocket diaries with leather looking cover, week to a view and a locking clasp which houses a biro pen all for £1 brilliant. I also noticed many other items of interest including some glitter glue and stick glue which I assume is also for £1, However I decided against at this point and went for the bulbs where I purchased two packs of four different coloured scented Hyacinths and two of the multi coloured 10 tulip packs also at £1 I limited the purchase until I considered planting instructions and the number of pots to hand. On return I moved out the car to collects the pots already filled with earth or planting fibre and carefully planted what I had bought. I will get some daffs more hyacinths and perhaps some others when I go back into town tomorrow.
I need to do a new financial check for the rest of the year taking account of Birthdays and Christmas, the opportunity of a low cost five year membership of Durham cricket, the need to repair the TV or get a new TV and Wii console for the daily activity in the room next door this Winter when the weather prevents going out and anyway together with getting better working Desk and Lap top computers.

19.50 Enjoyed seeing the local news films of the visit of the Duchess of Cambridge to the region. There was more on Jimmy Saville, No news on the search for the body of the five year old Welsh girl or the killings in France of the husband wife and mother in law plus passing cyclist and the wounding of one daughter and hiding of the other has also gone quiet. Missed the Prime Minister’s address to Tory Conference this morning. His approach was to warn of more tough decisions and hard choices if we are to keep in the struggle to remain an economic power. His theme was yes we can rather than yes we will. He also reminded of the need for a one nation Tory party and not a swing to the right. There was a bold united front this morning and at conference in general but I cannot see the unity lasting beyond the week.

I have also watched the main part of Yorkshire’s innings shown on Eurosport in the world club 20 20 competition being held in South Africa. As the beaten finalist Yorks had to play two games in a qualifying competition and after yesterday’s win and win today against Trinidad and Tobago would see them through,. The West Indian team decided to bat first not a good decision on a wicket we were told was very good but after losing some quick wickets a score of just under 150 was still a little below par, However Yorks lost quick wickets themselves but by middle order Balance helped by Rashid saw the Tykes home by an over to spare with Man of the Match Balance hitting six sixes. They now go into main competition which will also include the 20 20 domestic’s winners Hants. Something more to look forward to.

Celia Imrie Who do you think you are started as a disappointment because she was only interested in finding historical figures of political importance which given the family tree was not difficult.

One of her great grand parents was a leading Whig, Lord William Russell whose family lived at Woburn Abbey and was executed after a famous Treason Trial as the picked Jury believed he had been threatening the King although his concern was against a Catholic Monarchy and the enforcement of the Catholic religion on the people. When the King died and James I came to throne and established a Catholic monarchy the rebellion led to the arrival of William of Orange and the establishment of constitutional monarchy and quashing of the indictment against Russell who was declared a hero and Martyr and the great defender of Constitutional Monarchy as a plaque remains in Lincoln Inn Fields where he was executed.

She also followed up his grandmother who was a member of the Howard family and engaged married when 13 to someone 14 where the marriage was unhappy and annulled by the Archbishop. She married the Kings Favourite and after two years of marriage and the birth of a daughter she and her husband was tried and convicted of involvement in a murder nut then reprieved although serving sometime in jail. Her marriage broke up and she within ten years of leaving the Tower a comparatively young woman having never known happiness since her Early childhood. I went to bed soon after the news headlines and read more of the Snack Thief.

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