Wednesday 10 October 2012

2360 Diary October 9th 2012The gutter and subsidence holes are fixed.

The priority today Tuesday October 9th, 2012 is to order a new printer from IJT and to complete the writing of the visit to the Midlands before writing about the Smiley radio plays, the Montalbano and other experiences during and before the trip. It is 8 am having achieved 7 hours and maintained the average of 7.2 hours at 28/28. It is 8 am.

Two hours later I have not got going in relation to the planned programme for the day as the roofer contacted (having previously said he would ring the night before) to announce he would come at lunch time, possibly before so I have cleared the whole area where he might need to put ladders and moved the subsidence hole barriers so his vehicle has access. I had planned to prepare the rear area for winter, preparing the mini greenhouses, washing out the seed trays and other clean and tidy operations before the cold and frost sets in. The development also means that I am able to put back the desk and clear the containers

10.30 The desk is back with computer also as previously found to work well. I will have a cool drink and then shave and do my hair around 11 am. It continues non stop activity which is good as I will surprised if I have not added one to three pounds over the trip if not more.

13.00 Not only do I have new guttering up and paid for and presumably and end to water penetration in this room but the water authority/local authority topped the subsidence holes and removed the road closed signs. I even provided the water required for the work from the outside tap.

14.00 I have also enjoyed a roast chicken dinner which included one of the jacket potatoes purchased last night and some unfrozen mixed vegetables. Things are going too well. Earlier I ordered a new Cannon printer from IJT which should arrive 48/72 hours I presume before the end of the week. I am now going to sort out outside so I can garage the car. I am taking my time to ensure everything is ready for winter time.

It is 15.45 and I have sorted out the back in preparation for winter. I will need to clean some of the trays and pots but for another day. Tomorrow I will go on the look out for bulbs for springtime. The car is back in the garage and I have broken up the chicken, covered the bowl with cling film and placed in the fridge. I caught some of Boris Johnson speech to the Tory Party conference in which he oozed loyalty and support for the existing leadership especially the Prime Minister and even Michael Gove; He even had kind words for previous Prime Ministers, Tessa Jowell and Ken Livingston re the Olympics. .

20.00 I mentioned that I purchased an inexpensive toaster and then realised I needed one with defrost button as I freeze loaves of bread to avoid wastage. Defrosting in the microwave just did not work so I bought another on my way home and have been successfully using today. I also mentioned that the specialist pan for poaching eggs was something of a disaster and created more mess than dropping the eggs into boiling water. Over the weekend I was given a couple of poaching pouches, silicon containers which float on simmering boiled water for five or six minutes so this evening I toasted a slice using the frozen button and then having lights oiled the pouches dropped them into the water down to a simmer. After what seemed only a couple of minutes they looked done on the surface but a quick check indicated there was still more cooking required. I then kept them going for a little too long as they yolk was hard boiled but in other respects they were perfectly formed and easy to slide out on the toast. I will use the timer next time.

23. Romanzo Criminale is another brilliant episode which I immediately write up after watching the 10 pm news. I am tired after a good day. I am ready for bed, Earlier I did good work on The Snack Thief.

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