Saturday 20 October 2012

2369 Diary Oct 13th19th Changes for the better?

It is Friday 7 am 19th October 2012 and I am attempting to catch up quickly the past days since Saturday the 13th taking decisions to leave some items covering TV and Films separately and there will also be a separate writing on political issues and recent Time Magazine articles. It will not be my usually chronology but more what I remember or have made notes some previously typed.

It is just before 4 in the afternoon and the day has become very different from how it commenced. This morning the security protection software provider advised that the latest package was available free under the two year online purchase scheme made some 18 months ago and after the download was completed I decided on a full system scan which took the rest of the morning until early afternoon and some 524000. This led me to conclude that one of the reasons for the recent slow workings with temporary stalls was because of the quantity of active programmes at start up. I was once shown how to do this over the phone. I will have to look up the manual and kick myself hard, Montalbano style, for not considering what the manual has to say before now, especially as “the Complete Idiot’s guide is within sight on a shelf across from me.

I will however leave consideration until after I have finished rewriting what will be now an over view of aspects of my weekend since last Saturday and the arrival of a Wii system. I decided a couple of days ago to go ahead with the plan of how to remain active in the house over the cold and the darkness of the next five months reallocating the time presently spent on Chess, Free Cell and other games against the computer with the more active sport participation involved via the Wii and Wii Fit with the balance Board. The Wii system comes with a sporting compilation related to the 2012 Olympic Games and in addition I have acquired the Ashes Cricket programme for a modest £3.12 plus ATP Tennis about £12. I will also look out for a Golf programme. The Items will arrive later this afternoon, Monday and within a few days overall.

These days deliveries are timed to the second so that last night I received an email to say the parcel would be delivered to day and this morning the delivery firm sent a second email which provided a tracker button which revealed the parcel had been given to them at Bedford at 9.06.56. It reached the Birmingham Hub at 1.06 am and was in Newcastle at 6.20 and then prepared for the regional vehicle delivery schedules going on one for me at 9.01. The approach is evidently to place those furthest away last on the vehicle so mine was scheduled to arrive between 16.33 and 17.33. It arrived at 17.32. I unpacked but will leave further action until this writing is completed.

The Wii is part of the reorganisation of home and lifestyle that commenced in earnest over the week. Although I am delaying consideration of The Idiots Guide because I want to have a good look through to remind of subjects where further reading and action might be appropriate, I did some work early removing the majority of the pictures back on to disk. These comprised three categories. Family and family history photos, photo sets related to writings where I have added back to the computer from disk such as those taken of South Shields, South Tyneside and Northumbria and the photographs of completed work although I stopped about 18 months ago copying every sheet of every volume when the video camera which I also use for stills and where over all there are some 350000 photos on disk with the most recent batch also on computer until this afternoon. It will be interesting to see if the removal of around 10000 images helps the operating system. I also took the opportunity to copy all the document files which took longer, over an hour and filled about a third of a DVD type storage disk. I will wait to see if I need to remove a portion or all but the most current document from the computer in the search to improve performance. Alas while there appears to be a little improvement some of the problems are continuing.

The most important aspect of the life change in addition to losing weight and where Wii activity should help is the better use of the Sleep Apnoea Treatment machine. Last night was not a good night as I woke early having gone to bed at 1 am. However the average use remains over 7 hours a night and I have a margin of eight hours before it will fall below as long as I accomplish 7 or more hours most of the time. I am still having a problem with the bridge area of my nose but this is small price to pay given the impact of the machine and it is rare that I need a sleep during the day or drop off even watching the TV. It tends to happen when I am away from home. I need a new lens prescription for my glasses but I will also select a frame which will not rest on the bridge. After checking on the Internet I need to spend time working out the best approach in terms of different lens, frames and package deals. There is a build of things to do.

I have remained around 16 and half stone for several months although commenced to rise again with decision to halt the salads and create hot support meals to the main, often using toasted bread slices. As mentioned when writing about the Snack Thief and Montalbano’s great love of food, while cooking intricate dishes with ingredients one will use now and again has never appeared to me, although and puddings is another matter! Having said this or that I do love my food and dislike feeling hungry. I am also inclined to eat more when I am tired or feeling low or disappointed, or as today very active and concentrating and need an energy flow.

I am usually able to remember food consumed for a number of previous days up to about a week because I hade tended to follow a regular menu with porridge, a nuts and dried fruit cereal, sometimes with a little cornflakes mixed in and Mushroom and Tomatoes in a bowl microwaved and sometimes a selection of two items rather than one. Since acquiring the Toasted sandwich sleeve, the egg poaching pouches and learning how to scramble a couple of eggs in the microwave, I have occasionally added one of these as a breakfast alternative. This morning after working for an hour or so without anything I fancied two slices of toast made into a sandwich with slices of thinly cut Italian Salami. This follows acquiring 250 grams at half price on a visit to Morison’s at Seaburn Sunderland yesterday afternoon. I also enjoyed two slices of Toast with the salami and sliced olives with Pimento for supper yesterday.

I have also switched main meal to evening more frequently over the past couple of weeks than usual. Today I will have a piece of breaded fish later while for lunch there was two poached eggs on a thick slice of toast and for tea I had another slice of toast with anchovy pieces, I had a bowl of tomatoes and mushrooms for elevens.

I should have had a chicken stir fry today but I made a mistake by not concentrating and used two days supply with the curry yesterday having a also added some vegetables from earlier in the week. At least I forewent the rice although it was still a significantly larger portion than usual. Because I fancied a piece of steak on Sunday rather than commencing the three day chicken, I did not roast a medium size bird until Wednesday. I had a breaded fish on Monday and two pieces of southern style chicken on Tuesday. There was a portion of sprats last Saturday as there will be tomorrow.

I cannot remember when I made scrambled eggs in the microwave with a few shrimps and a little pepper and salt added to two eggs and milk mixture but it was a success and I look forward to repeating once a week. I also had a small quiche cold one day with a cuppa soup. Twice I have enjoyed a toasted cheese sandwich cooked in the Toaster sleeve and with a sliced tomato between the cheese slices. I have had two cartoons of grapes and four bananas, three with half a packet of instant custard. I am recorded this because as I fear I have been eating too much again and the weight has risen so it is back to square one and the decision engage in more activity at home timely. Earlier in the week I purchased two £4 packs of Pepsi in the small size 250 cans but then drank two a day instead of restricting to one.

I have been buying a stock of packets of Liquorice, a good three months supply because of the Morison’s reduction of £2 for three bags compared to the individual price of 89 pence a saving of £10. Although the packet is larger at £1 a time the savings going to Morrison are even greater. Because I only use a couple of the butter minotes to moisten the mouth when I wake at night, one packet lasts 10 or 11 days so I need only three packets a month and also have over a three month supply. My aim as with the porridge and the cuppa soup last year is to stock a six month supply to maximise the savings and bring down the unit costs.

I visited Morison’s at Seaburn yesterday afternoon because I fancied a little car run and a little walking as the day was sunny and not cold, I also wanted to see if they have finished the transformation of the store which they appeared to have done although it will close on Monday to complete the final touches. I am unsure why the inside of the store feels so spacious given that there has been no extension to the building. My impression is that the fresh food counters have been moved back into the back preparation and storage areas but the main development is that the new display shelving is slimmer but taller, especially the new Frozen food cabinet which had been moved to the rear wall. It is time for me to change as well.

I fancied a cup of tea at Morrison’s but on getting to the counter I could not rest their tea deal with a half of sandwich and then a cream or custard cake or cream scone with a pot of tea for £2.09. I will add this to my list of things to do by checking out if the restaurant at the Shield’s store does the same. I want to try out the £5 meal with drink deal for those over 60 at the buffet style restaurant Beach Road Monday to Thursday and the £1,99 main course deal at Wetherspoons on Mondays. So it is difficult to change and to say no.

I also purchased an electric kettle for my bed room, not for early on late night drinks, but for washing and shaving in the mornings having decided to give up in the instant hot water system which remains temperamental. The opportunity was taken to reset the radio clock which has been replaced by the mobile phone at the bedside although it will be useful for classic FM when I read in bed.

I have also been reorganising the outside patio area now that he guttering had been replaced planting the bulbs purchased for the Pound store and also 25 autumn flowering pansies purchased from B and Q on Wednesday making use of the discount. I had gone for two more seed trays which I wanted to use to plant the rest of Summer Blue Bells. In the event I only needed one of the additional trays for the 20 Bulbs with one other tray already planted, I used the extra tray for a container of eight plastic pots for some of the pansies planting the remainder within the hanging baskets or the larger of the available small plastic pots. The floor of patio and garage under cover remain wet almost muddy but apart from this the back looks excellent.

I had brought two of the tomato plants and the Sweet Pepper plants into the day room or the front Library lounge. I have now moved all the Sweet Pepper into the front library lounge where the last Tomato plants remains. I stripped the other of fruit which has ripened over the week and enjoyed as part of the tomato and mushroom dishes.

There has been some sport mostly disappointing again. On Saturday I watched Andy Murray beat Federer in two straight sets 6-4 6-4 in a tournament he has won the two previous years. I watched almost all of Andrew Marr before switching over to view the Final against Dojkovich where Murray won the first set 7-5 after losing the opportunity to take the set earlier and he than had a Championship point in the second where his opponent had played some extraordinary fine and adventurous tennis to stay in the set and after saving the tie he went on to win 7-6 in the tie break and the final set comfortably 6-3 as Murray seemed to go to pieces. The good news is that earlier Heather Watson became the first British Tennis player to win a major event in twenty years and is working hard to get into the World’s top rankings.

While catching up the past few days I looked forward to watching Yorkshire play their first game in the second pool in the Club Cricket World Cup. I was surprised to see that the team of the year Hampshire in terms of the short over game did not progress through to the competition proper losing both their games in the preliminary round whereas Yorkshire won both of theirs.

Alas Yorkshire was humiliated. Batting first they appeared to lack of confidence and were all out in the 20th over for only 96. Sydney Sixes then showed how the game should be played getting the runs required in 9 overs for the loss of only two wickets). I was about to watch the second match on Sky on Thursday evening when rain intervened. Mumbai had scored 156 for 7 in the 17th over. There was no play and therefore no result. If Yorks win their last two games, one tomorrow they will have a maximum of 12 points. If they beat the Lions Tomorrow they will have a chance of reach the semi finals as it is the last game of the Lions who have 8 points and a win in their final game could see Yorks through. I do not expect this to happen.

On Wednesday evening I watched the last half hour of England

s under 21 game away in Serbia. They only needed to draw but scored a goal in the final seconds as the goal keeper had come up for the free kick in the final seconds. There was a rain of missiles on the players, racist gestures and blows struck as the game ended. Disgraceful and one hopes this time FIFE will act swiftly. I have seen a report that FIFA have charged both sides with bringing thee game into disrepute and despite recordings oft he crown making monkey chants the Serbian FIFA have denied racism. The Adult team game was never played as the stadium roof was not closed and the rain teemed down for hours making the game unplayable. This created a major problem for the British fans who had not book accommodation or whose flight had been booked over night on early the following day. The game was played in the following afternoon to help but unfortunately the spectators were not rewarded with a great team performance. England did take the lead but one goal was never enough and Poland always looked as if they would score at least once which they did and looked more likely to take the three points as the game progressed. It end 1.1 draw so could have been worse. Sunderland is at Home to Newcastle Sunday lunch so that will be look forward to.

What else? On Sunday I did a monster washing up and decided that the state of the sinks and draining area needed radical change in order to achieve a significant better level of cleanliness. Later in the Day I reorganised the sink area work top with a box holding the various cleaners and other items previously on the internal window ledge which has been difficult to impossible to keep clean. The solution was to put the things that are normal place by the window in a box.

I also spent a morning writing back to the Local Authority regarding the Back Lane subsidence holes only to realise there was no address and the writer wanted me to phone. I have issues about the content of the letter in relation to ownership of the Lane and mention of historical mining which I will attempt to discuss with the writer sometime next week.

There have been several periods of rain, heavy and the repaired Guttering appears to have worked. The Insurance company have agreed that I was right to seek emergency help and for the internal damage which has avoided increasing my debt burden.

I have been working out my budget between now and May 2014 when I hope to have cleared the debts and able to use income to pay as you go as well as commence to save to ensure my home and its contents do not need to be immediately sold. Obviously should my health change dramatically and I require long term residential care then a different ball game situation arises.

I spent a great deal of time over the past week re reading and writing about the Snack Thief by Andrea Camillieri with three parts completed as well as a study and report on Italian Law Enforcement I also completed writing about the episodes of Romanzo Criminale. Just enjoying the new Montalbano episodes until I get to read the books although if the series continues this weekend to stories where there are no books or translations in English I will write the story. When I read and write about other Montalbano novels I shall also research the local political structure at the time as well as present the Secret Polices which is much behind activities in Romanzo Criminale.

I have made notes on Hunted a series by the same team as Spooks although concentrating on an international private security firm. I was impressed by the latest episode of Downton Abbey and also need to write. I am less impressed with Atlantic City, the third series and will follow up. There is also a catch up on New Tricks already in the making. I have started to take an interest in the new series of Merlin with King Arthur now crowned and with a Round Table and have watched the opening of Strictly Come Dancing but not the X Factor which clashes with other Saturday night TV interest. I have also commenced to write about recent political events which I will combine next with articles from recent editions of Time Magazines.

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