Thursday 4 October 2012

2358 Diary October 3 , 2012

13.50 on Wednesday October 3rd as I wait for the insurances assessor to arrive regarding the water penetration and hopefully confirm the solution to the problem proposed by the contractor who called to provide emergency help, or come up with a solution which will prevent further damage in the future

After cleaning floors and tidying up I hit on a way to keep this room from looking a mess whenever I set to work by moving the metal boxes contained manuscripts writings to on top of the filing cabinets in the corner and using the available shelving space as consequence for the lever arch files that I am currently working on. This has cheered me up, I have also made good progress in the registration of completed sets with over 100 for the months but I will have to work hard to make up the deficit from the past two months after such good progress earlier in the years

14.10 Just been working out that over 2012 to date I am now 159 behind the average monthly target of 100 new sets completed because of what has happened in July August and September. I do have around 60-75 already completed but with volumes not yet ready to register. So it about 100 in reality and I should make this up during the rest of the month after a short break.

It was not a great lunch with one Thai large fish cake some beans and chopped tomatoes and some grapes. Will have a coke Pepsi and undertake some more writing.

Yesterday October 2nd I commenced to make a note at 11.35 and looked backwards I have just washed the day room and kitchen floors after sweeping and vacuuming these areas plus the my workroom and library lounges. Prior to this I have sorted outside and water the plants plus a preliminary tidying up, all in preparation for the visit tomorrow.

Today 14.20 Phone calls to say contact insurance person leaving Consett and should be with me in an hour say 15.30

Yesterday I woke around 8 and stayed in bed for other 15 or so minutes. My first attempt to use the poaching pan was disastrous and obviously I had put too much water in the pan so that the two contained which had not been used for eggs came up bringing the boiling water and eggs also separate from the white even when cooked so it was as greater if more great mess than the previous effort placing the egg directly in boiling water and the cleaning up afterwards is certainly worse. Getting the toast right is also proving a problem and from the next loaf I will switch from thin/medium to thick bread and use only one slice. I will depart shortly for some stir fry and to check out if the local substitute print cartridge store provides cheap cartridges for either my present Cannon or another being advertised by IJT or if they do a printer at a reasonable price with cheap cartridges.

On return I will start continue the registration up date which I broke off before he weekend and also listen Ed’s speech at he Labour Party Conference 13.30 Back and enjoyed Cheese and pickle baguette and noted the eat as much you like Asian restaurant is doing an OAP lunch 12 to 3.30 Mon Thursday fro £5 includes tea and coffee and will give it try on Thursday day if tomorrow goes well.

Will start the registration set completion process but will also makes notes on Ed’s speech in due course. This is an attempt to close the account on the leadership and rebrand him with the electorate to and widen clear water with Cameron and his party.

Although I continue feel that there a lack of “gravitas” about Ed and a sense that he is trying to out do Cameron and follow in the footsteps of Blair rather than Brown I believe he was able to convince the majority of those at Manchester yesterday afternoon, as he did me is that he is his own man capable of reaching decision based on what he believes and wants rather than some carefully worked out consensus for the Party and nation via his advisors and opinion poll testing.

Like the majority of national politicians who sensed there was a great national mood created during the Olympic and Paralympic games Mr Miliband decided to take the subject several notches further and based his whole speech without a script or notes with him or autocue on the Conservative Israeli’s One Nation three hour marathon delivered also in Manchester at the then Free Trades Hall 140 years ago. He also referring to the same unit during World War II and then during the first Labour post War government of Clement Atlee.

He was also able to speak from the context of being a child of first generation immigrants who went with his brother to the local comprehensive before university and professional politics whose father would have been proud as his being labelled Red Ed and disappointed that he was not. From this platform he was able to demonstration the failure of the Coalition to create one nation we are all in this together with the decision to reduce basic income tax for the rich from 50% to 45%, thus writing millionaire income owners like himself a cheque for £40000 for the year next April. He was noted that he did not say if elected in 2015 he would out the tax back

The one commitment he did make is that if the banks did not divided their high street operations for Casino banking then a Labour Government would do so by law. He would ensure that the Banks worked for the people and not the people for the banks.

He also able to get a good swipe at the new Tory Chief Whip who verbally abused the police and nigh on being arrested although he disputes calling the individual a plebe he is reported to be known for referring to ordinary folk as the Plebs.

Mr Miliband also committed himself to undoing the competitive aspects of the new National Health Service Reforms which he said was the same formula that had be used in relation to the National utilities when they were privatised under Margaret Thatcher. The attack the approach that prices were raised when ever market conditions were said to require the additions but when the markets fell there was no immediate gain to the consumer. That the man who was Murdoch’s friend and presumably still is, has been put in charge of the Health service was also an easy target as was the Education Secretary Michael Gov and his approach to education which smacks of elitism.

Mr Miliband said a government under him would give as much priority to the 50% if young people who did not go to university as those that did and pressed the public sector to create as many apprenticeships as the private sector. This is of course a way paying lower wages although in fairness he did give an undertaking to press on those who found ways to avoid paying the minimum wages and also the gang masters with the tendency to recruit only immigrants because the conditions of service were less favourable.

And of course he drew attention that borrowing under the government was going up because of the increasing number, with a million young people, out of work. Dependent state benefits. He argued that if the medicine does not work you change it and if the doctor is unable help you change the doctor. My impression is that he was successful in silencing doubters about his leadership qualities within the party and among many media professionals but the impact on the electorate in general remains to be determined but with two and half years until the next General Election he has time on his side,

I am writing up separately the latest episodes of Romazo Criminale and Downton Abbey and the first of the new season of Atlantic City but will include here the latest New tricks and later to night Who Do You Think you are.

It is midnight and I changed my programme for the rest of the day following the visit of the insurance assessor.

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