Saturday, 14 July 2012

2318 Setting aside the Leveson Inquiry for the Barclays Scandal and the Politicians

The Leveson Inquiry has exposed the cultural cosiness which developed between the most important politicians in the UK and the owners and managers of the national print media and that which also developed between some of the highest officers in the Metropolitan Police and the senior members of the national London based print industry.

The self governing body of the print media has been exposed as incompetent and self protecting of the industry and its key players and unable to provide fair and quick redress. It is only through the wealth and position of some individuals that national newspapers have been held to financial account through civil actions. The Information Controller has also been exposed as having had limited powers and influence when confronted with wrongdoing on an industrial scale although in fairness he did produce two reports which were not pursued by Parliamentarians to degree which they merited.

Far from tackling the worst excesses of the print media, top politicians and some top police officers in London became buddies and now after all the Guardian and Leveson exposures a leading member of the Coalition government appears in league with Dacre and his cronies to protect as much of the status quo as possible. With the likely breaking up of the Coalition during the next 12 months and Politicians having to face the Electorate in 2015 whatever courage Lord Leveson and his team has in presenting a solution which will protect the liberty of the citizen against the oligarchs of print media Cameron and Osborne will buckle before the forces within and without and say a lot and do nothing.

The interesting aspect of what was a predicable situation is the future behaviour of Rupert Murdoch who used his ownership of Fox Television to announce his contempt for the British Establishment, as had his former socially seductive chief British agent and called them weak and who still counts Tony as her friend although pyjama party Gordon has joined those who wish to now tar and feather her. Mr Murdoch has so far sought revenge by supporting Alex Salmond and his quest to become the first Prime Minister of Scotland, and I suspect Murdoch senior is already fuelling the anti Europeans movement within the Tory Party and those seeking to depose Cameron and Osborne. But will he keep with them or go further and promote the United Kingdom Independence Party and Sinn Féin in Ireland. Now that he had revealed his true nature it is hoped he and his son will be officially declared unfit to control anything in the UK.

I am setting aside my interest and attention devoted to the Leveson Inquiry until the final summings up as a plethora of interests appear to give their views on what should now happen in Part Four of the Inquiry now that the evidence about press conduct and the relationship with the police and the politicians has been established subject to the limitations that the majority of those who have been arrested have not given evidence. The exception next week is on Wednesday morning with the second appearance of Max Mosley.

My reason for setting aside Leveson is because it has been confirmed that a similar situation has existed in the world of British based banking and finance houses with a cosiness between the Bankers and the Regulators and between top politicians, bankers and regulators so no wonder we are all in this together Cameron and Osborne do not want a Leveson type inquiry which will uncover the incest involved in the raping of the standard and quality of living of the average British citizen.

I had planned this to be the opening of a monster piece about Barclay’s Bank the Group CEO and its Chairman, the political impact and implications and the role of the Financial Services Authority and the Bank of England, but on rereading the 28 pages to date it just will not do as a single coherent and integrated piece of writing so I have decided to start again and break up in a number of segments although is likely to lead in some duplication.

The consequence is that I am also behind in a range of other subjects and interest but as with this week there is no cricket or other sporting activity to watch live until the week after when in quick successions there is cricket at Durham, the opening of the Olympic games, and football at St James Park as well as my visit to London, and the Olympic Park, The Excel stadium and to the Wembley Arena and the Wembley Stadium

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