Saturday, 11 December 2010

1640 Listening to Jazz

I am attempting to do four things at the same time. My focus is to complete the creation of the first fifty Blogs on Google now that I have found the way to locate and copy those published on MySpace over the past two years The first 29 were completed yesterday and the remaining 21 today. However I need to write of yesterday as well as begin these notes for today. I have one eye now and again on Celtic playing rangers in what looks to be a cup match as there are lots of organised flag waving, but this may be normal. It was a league game which ended in a draw. I am amused by the number of non Scottish who perform for the two Tribes especially the Vennegor of Hesselback I

have the sound turned as I am listening to Ken Colyer on Beezer radio. Sometime ago I moved my gramophone tape and CD player from my work room to the front where the intention was also view video Taps and DVD’s on the television. This remained the plan even when the TV ended its life and I replaced with the 20inch flat screen, this is until deciding I had to have it in my work rook. The plan was to go into the front room for the undivided attention to music and vision. Alas the amazing mini cinema effect of the new TV changed that and I have not got round to bring back the audio unit into this room so I was deprived of listening to my Long Play records. My other problem is that nearly all my collection of CD’s. over 350, are across my desk in the wall display unit which since the placement of the TV on a unit which includes the video player the DVD players and Sky Box . With front compartments also for DC’s and DVD’s means that the only way get disks or books is to crawl under the table and raise myself avoiding the spaghetti of leads to the computer printer telephone TV aerials and Sky Lead . I hen discovered Beezer radio which has copies of the original Long Plays or more recent compilations.

Ken Colyer played authentic recreations the New Orleans jazz with the emphasis on ensemble syncopation whereas the more commercial Chris Baber featured soloists, with Monty Sunshine on Clarinet who went on to lead his own band and Lonnie Doneghan on Banjo who also made a separate name for himself with the Skiffle base, banjo and dashboard type music. I have also found and listened to Chet Baker and the Modern Jazz Quartet where I saw the first British performance at the Royal Albert, Benny Goodman’s Carnegie Hall Concert where I have the original double concert album. Tne grat find some King Oliver with Louis Armstrong but George Melly although I am yet to check in Mick Mulligan. I have listened to a lot of music over the past three days. Chris Barber Ken Colyer, Dire Straits and Art Tatum to day; Ken Colyer, Dire Straits, The Modern Jazz Quartet and Edith Piaf yesterday, and Benny Goodman and King Oliver on Friday .

Lunch today has ad hoc with soup and a roll, a lipper and a Bread and buttter pudding. There are lamb chops and cherries this evening.

Yesterday was also ad hoc with a sardine and olive salad with cheeries. A chicken escalope was accompanied the rest of the potatoes and corn from the previous day together with a portion of the toffee cheesecake and three hot cross buns.

I had walked into the town centre mid midning for the Saturday Mail but they were sold out and I was not inclined to go in search of another as there was such a quee I did not want to ask if they had the DVD left. It was a film about the war in the Pacific which is of less interest to me than what happened in Europe On the way back I noted that a store is selling the complete 144 episodes of the West Wing on 44/45 DVD‘s for £50 instead of the original price of £200. There are half a dozen in stock and I will go on Monday with my credit card and hopefully they have not been sold out.

Thsi weekend sixteen teams competing for the last eight places in the FA Cup Four of the ties end in a darw which inclued Blackburn who should hve been Sunderland. Only Chelsea had a win a cionvicning one. Everton also convincingly beat Aston Villa this afternoon, Manchester are well on the way to ebating a fighting Derby . Presently 3.1 and one game between Arsenal is the Fourth Round Replay takes play on Monday night which makes the sixth round draw interesting in less than hours time as both will be included along with Burnley who had to sit out this weekend. Portsmouth beat hapless Man City in the only Premiership tie. Looking up the position Idiscovered that the second test in the Est Indies is being continued today with Enland 110 for 0 That was unexpected as I thought the whole match had been postponed. I will switch over after the cup draw and before the next in the series on Christianty. I have still not caught up on Lark Rise. Manchester United have scored a fourth.

Late on Saturday night I watch a film whose title I noted but cannot now find. The film is dedicated to the 250000 airmen who were trained and flew missions in Canada, often having a major impact on the small local communities next to where their airfields were located. The film concentrated on the stories of a few airman and a few local women, some with husbands or fiancés. Some with wives and fiancés and their different types of relationships established in a situation where the arrival of the telegram or the news that someone was not returning alive was an every day occurrence. It is good when today every time a serving members of the armed forces dies in combat the sacrifice is noted by Parliament and every attention is given to the victims of civil and other outrages and their families. However it is important not to lose sight of the scale of deaths and their impact during World War 1 and 2 and in Korea and Vietnam

The cricket continued to surprise with England 300 runs for 3 and Captain Straus making 169.

Lost was more interesting to night although it was necessary to concentrate hard otherwise the speed of changes through time and the switched been the island and the USA would have been mesmerising

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