Wednesday, 8 December 2010

1624 Lost week

Yesterday was a curious day, mainly writing, eating and sleeping, going to bed at 9.30 just as Newcastle lost to Man City in a poor game where it was reported Michael Ashley and his Managing Director were said to have attended. Shay Given was not playing so I guess they were settling him for a great deal of money. Former Chairman Freddie Shepherd has disclosed that Sir John Hall sold his shares to Mr Ashley while he was recovering from a hospital operation and had been given no opportunity to see if he could arise the capital required to take over. I believe relegation may be the best thing to achieve the kind of fundamental changes required as the better players depart to be replaced by the second rate. As Laurel would sat to Hardy or vice versa, What a fine mess you have got us in.

I have managed to catch up on the first double episode of Lost for the third time of asking and now have a better idea of how the series is developing towards a conclusion, Those left on the island have not just moved location but continue to flip back and forth in time with the consequence of moving into the future an then back to the past. Meanwhile the attempt to persuade the six to return to Island together is gathering momentum although there are major problems. As the series concentrates on story development reaching its climax something of the interaction between characters is being lost. Lost - Lost everything is Lost

I also saw 24 hours episode again awake. There are two situations where I expect a different outcome from that posed at present. The first is the President’s husband (I think this is his status) is about to be killed by the same Secret Service guard who killed his son. But will he be saved, and if so by whom? Jack and his mate, previously thought dead, and working undercover for the ad hoc self appointed goodies with the enemy, have been forced to pretend to kill the CIA contact and because their control is suspicious have now been told to bury her, but will she die or survive? Jack and his friend are playing even more of a dangerous game capturing the opposition leader of the African country which the President had hoped to attack and remove the tyrant in charge, only to now learn he has fallen in the hands of Jack and about to be handed over the tyrant who is threatening another demonstration of their power to cause mayhem unless the President calls off the attack. Something important has to happen next week as a decision has to be taken with thirty minutes.

It was chicken stir Fry for lunch while watching Prime Minister‘s Question Time. The Opposition spokesman is now locked in a grove, trying to discredit the Prime Minister over the Economy while the Prime Ministers reminds that the Opposition has become a do nothing Party. The Tory leader has decided to press a difference of personalities hoping to damage the Prime Minister the public opinion polls that whatever he does and however the measures begin to be successful he will be able to bounce back by the time of the General Election. In the USA the House of Representative had a sufficient majority of Democrats voting for the present $900 billion mini budget to have a majority of the Republicans who voted solidly against, 11 Democrats could not support the present package for different reasons. President Obama is doing all that he can to bring some Republicans on board to ensure the Bill passes the Senate early next month and is prepared for changes in emphasis within the overall measure of one third in tax cuts and two thirds in measure to get the economy back on a sound footing both short and long term. The world waits.

The third episode of Evan Davies explanation of why we all have become poorer because of the greed and incompetence of bankers, Hedge fund managers, Sub prime mortgage fanatics and corporate investors who wanted a return that was justified by the economic situation. I was interested with the psychological analyst who said that young men in particular got high on taking risks and the result chemical imbalance led them to become manic and delusional with an unrealistic self confidence about their ability. This is an argument for having more women and old men in control of these institutions and undertaking the risk and trading assessments. It was also argued that when the situation collapse a different chemical commenced to operate in the same which led individuals to become excessively anxious and conservative. Memories became focussed on failures shutting out the successes.

The focus of the programme was the volatility of the markets covering both stocks/commodities and shares and the tendency to react collectively in both directions, contrasting the behaviour with that of herding animals. Any Government that does not agree to impose an effective international as well as national monitoring of the markets, the investments banks, the ordinary banks and mortgage firms as well Hedge funds and investment funds in future should be kicked out office. The public should advise their current political representatives that what has happened is unacceptable and action should be taken against all those responsible at the appropriate time.

I completed the requirements for a new driving licence my existing one having completed its ten years lifetime. I had to send a new photo £4 in a machine on Sunderland Station forecourt and a fee of 17.50 for the next issue. When I am seventy five there will be a paper assessment of my continuing ability to drive. I posted a letter about the loss of my cell phone to the manager of Specsavers Sunderland. Will I get a reply I wonder.

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