Saturday 12 December 2009

1843 Spooks, Babylon 5 and X Files with Morrissey

In the first draft of this writing I had continued from what I had written yesterday with the problem that had arisen with my inexpensive Brother printer arising and then moved on to the two most recent episodes of the second season of Babylon 5 which followed immediately on from the first. It was then my intention to continue with the X Files and ending with Spooks commencing with the previous episode shown on Wednesday on BBC 1 and the current episode which had its first showing on Friday of BBC 3 or was it 4.

Instead I begin with Spooks and the latest episode last night because the subject, illustrates the universality of much rational creative thinking as it was devoted to a plot to initiate conflict between Muslim and Hindu in the UK, between the nuclear holding powers of India and Pakistan as a prelude to the establishment of a new World Order with the Chinese and individuals in the national security services on both sides of the Atlantic heavily implicated.

In the programme the special ops security Unit becomes aware of what appears to be a right wing Hindu plot for a terrorist attack on Muslims and with the help of 17 year old Muslim who has accidentally become part of the group when playing football with them, learns that the target is to be a local Mosque. At the last moment the target is changed and becomes an independent sixth form college for Muslim young women. They have to let this target unfold on learning that there is a second cell, this time of Muslims where the target is Hindus and which is stopped before it begins with a successful raid on the safe house of the cell.

The first attack is also thwarted but only through the heroic efforts of the young man who persuades the cell leader not to harm anyone further, especially the English convert who he is about to incinerate with himself. The cell leader has been warned by the attack leader of a traitor within the group and the Spooks unit is able to prevent identification of their young contact but framing another of the group and who the cell leader kills. The cell leader himself is a victim of manipulation as he believes it was a group of Pakistani zealots who placed his school age sister in a coma where in fact it was being organised by a young Pakistani/Hindu in order to successfully recruit the young man who became the cell leader. In turn the organiser of the two cells is also part of a wider conspiracy. This man had a family with lands in territory which became divided between Pakistan and India in 1948 and where the lands were lost as a consequence. His immediate motive is revenge and this is the line presented by the Spooks unit head to the new Home Secretary. He indicates there is no evidence of a wider connection or motive. A wealthy man able to use his resources to create horror and havoc in the modern world some sixty years later.

In episode six. and number 70 overall, of this the best of the Spies and their States series, the problem is the failure of the Government to meet its repayment of loans to fund the banks and with the failure in part caused by the activities of a bank which keeps funds offshore for those with dubious interests and activities. In order to prevent the meltdown it is necessary to reapply fund held within the bank. The unit is alerted to the role of the bank by an employee who attempts to blackmail his bosses by stealing information on the account holders. As if often the case the Unit has to lie and mislead in order to get the cooperation necessary and as the 17 year old last night proclaims - you are all the same liar men. Lucas responds. It is our job

The difference is one group is set on causing death, destruction, general civil unrest while the other has the responsibility to prevent the deaths of numbers with the consequence that it becomes necessary to sacrifice some of the innocent. This becomes easier to enforce in a traditional wartime situation when a state of emergency is declared and a national government formed for its duration.

In terms of moral integrity and consistency and bringing about fundamental and irreversible long term change the ends never justify the means, however those involved in day to day national government while having an eye on the long term, are themselves governed by the day to day and in democracies by the electoral and party political system. In reality it is a time for strong government taking unpopular decisions and for endless factionalising and jockeying for position or for major political and leadership stalemate. In the episode ways are found to obtain the necessary funds from the rogue bank and save the pound and the economy from total collapse.

The programme is part of the master plan for the unfolding season It will be remembered that the female London based CIA link with the Spooks Unit who is in the mould of Marta Hari, and who has become the lover of Lucas, has killed her boss when he came close to discovering that she was one of the links to an international group of state security interests funded by the Chinese and setting out to change the world order. When Lucas challenges her she eventually admits to him that she attended the infamous meeting in Switzerland but as an official mole on behalf of the legitimate USA service and government trying to get to grips with what was happening. However the Spooks unit work out that in fact she is a major player and signatory and custodian of a special CIA fund held by the rouge bank and at one point men sent to kill Lucas are agents for the bank and responsible for the assassination of the family of the employee attempting to blackmail millions from the bank. When her cover is blown and Lucas realises the truth, or is it, of her position she pulls out of killing him at the last moment. Just as London and the CIA HQ are getting their hands on the 6 billion CIA fund in the rogue bank it is transferred to a bank in Pakistan under the control of a General who at the end of next episode is shown to have seized power in the country.

In the same episode the Home Secretary who has developed a close and trusting relationship with Harry, the head of the special ops unit, is driven out of office through a frame up that he was photographed in the company of Mafia type of criminals and has a £4 million nest egg at the rogue bank which cannot be accounted for given his income and previous savings. Harry has to say goodbye to the Home Secretary who is replaced by an unknown younger man who shows his mettle when it is decided to hang fire on sending in special forces to deal with the Indian Hindu raid on the Muslim female sixth form college. It is of interest to me that the episode was partly filmed in the area of London which I visited a week ago and there is one shot of Brick Lane and one suspects the Mosque referred to is that on the nearby Whitechapel Road.

The reason why the new Home Secretary and his government are unwilling to send in government forces to the stop the hostage situation is that the Indian Hindus take lives of the young Muslim women while we could have interracial conflict within our shores the government would be in a position to try and hold the ring whereas if it directly intervened young Muslim women get caught in the cross fire then it would be the government who would be under attack and find it more difficult to get the support from either of the warring two communities. One reason Harry gives the new Home Secretary a false impression about the role of the two cell attack leader is his suspicion that that the frame of the former Minister could have part of the plan for him to be replaced by someone sympathetic to the proposed new world order. This appears to be borne out when there are similar developments on both sides of the Atlantic and that the UK attacks as well as the CIA funds appear to lead to the new Pakistan Commander who is already threatening to retaliate on India if there are further attacks on its citizens. Meanwhile the CIA Marta Hari has gone to ground, apparently afraid of the power of those she works for. Her true role and side are still be determined.

Morrissey- First of the Gang to Die.
In the Future when all’s well
I just want to be happy

Just as with the 4400 is difficult to know who to believe and who are he good and bad guys and galls and a similar situation arose in the X Files on Friday in the fifth season end episode called unimaginatively - The End. Mulder and Sculley meet a boy who appears to be the key to proving all that he has covered during the five years of the X files work but where proof will depend on freeing a convicted murderer something which the Justice Department is unwilling to do. This leads to the boy being captured by the international conspiracy who support the aliens who are to destroy the majority of humanity and which the man who looked after Mulder’s sister, the smoking man, who has easy entry into every office of state, (has not been shot as I previously reported, that is to come), and is revealed, or is it revealed, that he has set fire on Mulder; office records, tut tut such inefficient security here, and then reveals himself to be the son of the CIA agent traitor behind getting the X file’s task unit being closed down and Mulder and Sculley reassigned. This is also the young man whose mother had an implant similar to Diana’s and who disappeared in the configuration which Diana escaped. The X Files unit is shut down and the two agents reassigned. Before season begins sixth there was a film The X Files- fight for the Future.

In the previous episode a man working in a call centre office sees his boss as a Monster and that three of his colleague employees have been changed when they grow suspicious. Mulder is sceptical and investigates without Diana but calls her in when he realises some of the terminology being used was referenced in at least one previous file which Diana has to find by manual examination. During a hostage situation Mulder see the boss in the same light as the informant employee who is killed as the hostages are freed. Mulder is able to work out previous situations from where the call centre boss previously worked. One X file theme is the existence of monsters who can hide their reality through various means

Morrissey- Irish Blood English Heart
You have killed me
That how people grow up

The treat of yesterday was to find that Babylon 5 is continuing immediately into its second season - the Coming of the Shadows with the significant first episode - Points of Departure - in which we learn that Commander Sinclair has been required to return to Earth prior to being briefed before taking up his appointment as Ambassador to the Mimbari. The new Commander,- John Sheriden - has previously worked with Ivanova his Russian number 2 and has her full confidence. Meanwhile Ambassador Delenn remains in her Cocoon and G’Kar of the Narns who I previously said was of the Centauri, in fact the race of Ambassador Mollari, has gone hunting and discovers the return of the Shadows .

Morrissey- Everyday is like Sunday
Redondo Beach

We are told the reason why the Mimbari surrendered. Over recent decades the individual and collective strength of the race was declining in terms of inherited biological traits. The hereditary nature came from the transfer of souls from one generation to another however the leaders had worked out that the transfer was not taking place without it being evident where the souls were going. In an earlier episode the station was confronted by a Soul Gatherer, a being who collected souls thus depriving them the opportunity to fulfil their usual destiny. However the being was not regarded as the explanation of what was happening to the Mimbari race. When Squadron Leader Sinclair was taken on board the Mimbari battle cruiser in an attempt to discover why the earth beings continued to fight on despite the superiority of the Mimbari technology it was discovered that the Mimbari souls had been migrating into the human race hence the decision not just to cease the war but to surrender to what was, in effect, their destiny. The Mimbari were effectively becoming human beings. This information had not been disclosed to the military commanders and to the population in general because of its likely social impact. However the new Commander has been warned been warned that a rogue Mimbari Battle cruiser has been seen in the general area and given his role in the war there is the possibility they have intentions to attack the station now under his command. The new Commander then finds that Earth has arranged for a battle cruiser to come to the station to assist and there is battle between the two commanders of who controls the situation. Unknown to the Battle Cruiser Commander. Sheridan has been given information of an official Mimbari ship outside the jump gate waiting to act if the rogue ship is located. Its Commander enters the station separately and commits suicide and then when his vessel arrives it become evident they are also on a suicide mission trying to force Sinclair or the Battleship to open fire and destroy them thus dying with honour among their people and creating a sense of outrage and further conflict. It is left to the Mimbari fighting ship to destroy the rogue ship and its crew, still unaware of why their government had surrendered a decade before.

Morrissey -The youngest was the most loved
The youngest of the International playboys
The More you Ignore me

We learn something more about Sheridan when his sister arrives for a visit. He has been a widower for two years buried in work full of guilt because he had cancelled a get together with his wife because of work demands and she had gone on an expedition where the vessel then explodes in an accident. They always told each other of their love before closing conversations when apart and only afterwards did he remember that for once he had forgotten. The sister gives him a visual communication record in which his wife explains that she had been intending to postpone the meeting because the opportunity came up for the expedition but she had been unable to explain to him because of the pressure he was under. She spoke of her love for him and this brings peace to the new Commander so he can concentrate fully on the task ahead.

Morrissey- The more you ignore me
All you need is me
Let me kiss you
I have forgiven Jesus

Garibaldi the Security Chief remains in a Coma while his second in Command and attempted assassin keeps and eye on the condition of his former boss. In the second episode the good doctor work out a way of reviving which involves him and the new Commander (who insists on assisting) with their own life force. It works and the Garibaldi uses the Psi Corp to remember who shot him. His number two is captured and Garibaldi confronts but the man scoffs at the sentence which Garibaldi says he will face. Then the new President Intervenes and requests that the man is transported to Earth with all the evidential paperwork. After his departure they learn he has been transferred to another ship and passes out of Earth control. Amazingly they have hand over the evidence without keeping a copy. The President is incommunicado. There is some indication that Psi Corp is behind the assassination with the President conveniently leaving the exploding ship on Mars just before the next phase of the journey. He has also expressed support for the Psi Corp.

Morrissey Reprise First of the Gang to Die.
In the Future when all’s well
I just want to be happy

Delenn comes out of her Cocoon and just at the right time. She is covered in scales and what has happened is painful to her. The good doctor comes to her aid and works out the scales are a covering which cane be broken off. Underneath she had adopted the physical appearance, hair and body of humans. She explains that with Sinclair moving to her homeworld as Earth Alliance Ambassador she had transformed in order to also act as a Bridge so that the two civilizations will never be at war again as their destinies appear interwoven according to ancient prophecy and discovery about Sinclair and human beings

Morrissey reprise -Irish Blood English Heart
You have killed me
That how people grow up

G’Kar returns having come across the Shadows at the rim of the outer known universe among dark and previously uninhabited worlds. His companions sacrifice their ships and lives to ensure he returns. His political leaders doubt his findings. The Babylon Council is also sceptical without evidence that the ancient race who terrorised the universe thousands of years before have returned. G’Kar arranges to send another vessel to the outer rim to try and gain evidence. Mollari learning this report to his contact who arranged for the Narn outpost to be destroyed, but is unaware that the destruction was by the Shadows. Mollari and G’Kar appear to have exchanged personalities. The Shadows are in waiting and destroy the investigation craft at the jump gate exit before it can send any report. G’Kar’s superiors refuse to send further vessels to establish the truth of his claims. Mollari’s crime appears covered up. Sheridan muses with Ivanova about his opening hours. I look forward to the continuation next week

Morrissey reprise
Everyday is like Sunday
Redondo Beach

Over the past four months I have had the same problem with my Brother Printer, an inexpensive multifunction product, as with the first which I bought a year before where the cartridges provided were worth more than the machine and the second with one set of cartridges plus delivery came to £60. The problem in both instances was a paper jam usually dealt with by opening the back and removing the paper. However in both instances the paper had lodged partially in the mechanism and therefore could only be removed by pulling forward, laving some of the paper or card left in the machine causing malfunction. I tried to contact the service centre and learnt they had shut up shop on the Friday afternoon so finding that the nearest repair agent was in Newcastle, contacted and had a most satisfactory conversation so I will take both in with the only an upfront fee of £25 required as one is under warranty. If the older machine require additional parts and Labour then an estimate of cost will be given to assess if it is worthwhile to continue. Thus my task for Monday morning is settled. I hope to relax over the weekend and write Christmas Cards

Over the past four months I have had the same problem with my Brother Printer an inexpensive multifunction product, the first which I bought a year a year ago where the cartridges provided were worth more than the machine and the second the second with one set of cartridges plus delivery came to £60. The problem in both instances was a paper jam usually dealt with by opening the back and removing the paper. However in both instances the paper and lodge partially inn the mechanism and therefore could only be removed by pulling forward and las a piece of the paper was left in the machine causing malfunction. I tried to contact the service centre and found they had shut up shop this Friday afternoon so found the nearest repair agent in Newcastle and had a most satisfactory conversation so I will take both in with the only and upfront fee of £25 required as one is underwrite. If the older machine required additional parts and Labour then an estimate of cost will be given to assess if it is worthwhile to continue. Thus my task for Monday morning is settled.

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