Saturday 28 February 2009

1097 Limited Day

9.30. am My attempt to study and comprehend the truth of God and the Devil, Good and Evil as forces within and without humankind is stretching me beyond my limits because they are subordinate to project 101 and its component activities and I still attend to the practicalities of life such as shopping for food, occasionally cleaning of the house, washing and washing up, and try an participate in and enjoy real life experiences. My current interest which I thought would last a week and perhaps stimulate a Blog or two now looks as if it will dominate the summer and govern the rest of the present self conscious being.

9.35 The current interest was inspired by a new friend who posted an extraordinary video audio broadcast on the subject of reincarnation and led to resurrecting myself as a former human devil whose life and writings I have to counterbalance by studying the lives of saints. The enquiries have led to beginning a study of Pataphysics which is the antithesis of science and much like the gulf between Freudian based and behavioural based psychologists.

9.45 I always wanted to be an actor and wish I had the courage to become a performance artist in reality beyond the security of the virtual. My study of the Big Brother House experience leads me to think that the programme should be nominated for the Turner Prize. Suggest this to the Tate and Channel Four. Do it now as your creative idea in action for the day. It is time for breakfast and mending a small table which my mother uses in her room. Then vacuuming will be left till Monday, but I must complete by then a study of Friends, although this is unrealistic unless I stop reading their profiles, looking at their pictures, reading their Blogs and listen to their music.

10am I am still at the computer having had another creative idea of holding a party for all my space friends. Alas unless I win the Euro lottery is will have to remain a virtual reality party so I won't post a bulletin or issue invitations. I will research who organises some of the more famous parties just in case I do win. I seem to have been on a lucky streak recently with four wins £80, £10x 2, £8 and £7 over a period of four weeks in which the investment was less than a third but overall the winnings are only a third of the investment. I have therefore adopted a different strategy investing a substantial sum in Premium Bonds where the maximum prize is only £1million, about a third less than would be needed for the kind of party I would like, and the MySpace party would only come after that for the people I know in reality eg, family and the staff of the residential home who care for my mother, but if it does not work after a year, the original sum can be withdrawn and reinvested in something with a fixed interest return.

11.30. Well silly me. I was so intent on all the things I had to do that I put the eggs in a black coated non stick pan, checked that there was water when in fact there was not! Fortunately the pan was rescued but it will mean a shop for more eggs. I purchased a glue gun to re-stick the legs to the table tops (two tables) but forgot to check on the number of glue sticks included and also need to shop for more. Usually a go to the supermarket after visiting my mother but I will now leave at 4 rather than 5 and get back home to watch the TV programmes rather than watch them with her. Gosh I am hungry again so an early lunch. I need to do at least a couple of hours of main project work, as well as some reading.

8.55pm I watch the execution of several hundred Italians in Roman, ten times the number of German soldiers killed in minor uprising ten weeks before the liberation of Italy in World War Two. The film is descriptively called Massacre in Rome. Earlier clergy from Manchester Cathedral express their horror at a million selling shoot em video game using the Cathedral as a setting in one of its level. Gum and knife crime in Manchester and other cities has been increasing. Of course there is no connection or association.

9pm I returned from the visit to my mother in time to watch the whole of the programme on the Best of British dinner at our Embassy in Paris for the best French Chef's, food writers and personalities. The first course was a poached ducks egg, steamed slowly for four hours, with ham and a sorbet; the second course was salmon with sea vegetables and Wheaten Bread. My starter was vegetable Samoses with dry salt and black pepper crackers, their main course was a rabbit pie with crayfish and mixed green vegetables. My main course was two pieces of chicken breasts in a Red Leicester cheese sauce and smoked bacon. Their meal ended with a glorious fruit jelly with inserted summer fruits a central sauce and a plain ice cream. Mine was compote of water melon and fresh pineapple chunks with thin slices of chocolate covered Turkish delight.

9.40 Insert. I decided against Dr Who when after the Dinner there was a programme about the reopening of the Royal Festival Hall. I never liked the original building and during my most recent visits the area had been taken over by cardboard box livers and skateboarders. It was not an area to be on ones own, especially at night. Over £100 million has been sent on upgrading the building and area with the Hall reduced to a shell in an attempt to change the accoustics from bad to very good. The critics are enthusiastic but are cautious saying it will be several years before a new harmony is achieved between performers and the new setting.
9.20pm the rest of the evening will be devoted to making Artman Glitter cards, reading and set making together with a private and confidential analysis of Friends.

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