Wednesday 8 January 2014

2554 Daily Notes 2014 a change of plan

I have not written for publication as artmanjosephgrech for sometime because of the discovery of important developments from my life before 2003 when I was able to commence to create the artman 101 installation public and private art and which has since 2006/7 has included the performance pieces of which Google blogs became the third platform. I propose over the next few days to create a diary of the discoveries and developments which mean that over the rest of January at least I shall be researching for writing some of the most important communications in my 74 years.

I had thought the rest of my life was mapped out with an average of eight hours of Sleep Apnoea respirator use a night ,and one or two session of physical activity on Wii Fit and Wii sport on days when I was not away on family or cricket trips and with the rest of my time continuing to create the project, writing a more substantial work for possible publication after my death and enjoying the cinema, theatre in relay watching sports live and of course television programmes, television programmes and more television programmes coupled with regular reading with a current list of some forty books plus the gifted Flashman books from a relative several years back.

Today there was some drafting of the first letters and two monster shopping visit so that combined with what was already in stock I now have some 86 breakfasts mainly two minute individual porridge packets 69 and 32 main courses with vegetables frozen or tinned, and 42 other meals with plus a total of individual 246 packet soups. Today’s treat have been a double hamburger, fries and a standard coffee for £3.12 and a packet of chocolate covered peanuts. I watched the concluding episode of Silent Witness as I slept through the great part last night before dragging myself to bed at ten. In addition to writing up the diary of discoveries which have led to calling halt the artman project I will wrote up aspects of my visits to the Midland and to London where the highlight was to Watch Carmen at the Royal Opera House. It is six pm and after catching with the news I will turn attention to the diary of other events to and including my birthday in March

Evening meal of three poached eggs on toast followed by speciality Coffee and booking to see Seven Years a Slave. The Railway Man and the Wolf of Wall Street together with relays of Coriolanus, Private Lives and Don Giovanni.

I watched the greater part of Sunderland’s 2.1 win against Manchester United and the first instance of Manchester United losing three games in succession for several decades. Ferguson sat with Bobby Charlton surveying the debacle from their viewpoint. No one fears united anymore as they still do Arsenal, Chelsea and Man City

I have watched three episodes of East Coast Train recently which features the role of drivers including the impact of those who throw themselves in front of trains, a more regular occurrence than I previously appreciated. There was one drive who liked the trip from Newcastle to Aberdeen through some of the great country from the East Coast via Berwick to the highlands. there was the role of the trains themselves with a feature on the Sir Bobby Robson taken from the depot to arrive at Kings Cross for the 7 am to Newcastle and making two round trips before being taken back to the depot after midnight where the repair and maintenance crew do their work and this was impressive with the quality and efficiency which they ensure the trains get from A to B day and week in week without breakdown. There was the role of the different crews and something on first class passenger travel which has been intentionally avoided for the great part and with this week the testing of the new uniform with pinkish shorts.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

2553 A visit to Middle Earth with Bilbo Baggins

Created  and  not completed until January 7th
It is Monday December 16th and the start of the week before Christmas week and I am not as relaxed as I have been in recent years although I believe I have given myself sufficient time for Christmas letters and cards, to prepare for the visit and to get the house in a reasonably clean and tidy condition. I am not sleeping as well or as I long as I have been and need to.

Awake early I was ready to go to Asda for soon after 9am and walking first to the post office for a new set of passport photos as the first had been rejected because I had kept my glasses on. I now look open eyed but with almost a facial grimace and owl like circles around the eyes. I suspect these may also be rejected. I had great difficult in working the machine and needed help after money had been inserted and would not proceed or return the cash.(No the photos were accepted and the new passport has arrived).

I then went to the pound store and purchased 5 of the packs of glue sticks which are excellent value each containing two large and two small. I can sort out my materials box if I have time but not the registration of sets which have mounted up and will be left until the new year.

Then to the bank for cash in hand and to the computer store for inks where they only had three blacks so I added two colours for a total of £10. Touch wood the printer has been working well. As Asda I stocked up on dried figs, some pasta, tins of rice pudding(2), noodles, some smoked mackerel, which reminds of the latest Robson of Hexham on his Northumberland Travels with Craster kippers and the village pub at Low Newton ( where there is also a prison) which offers fresh lobster dinners with in the first half a visit to the Lord Grey Tea Rooms, the Woodland and the gardens at Howick

Because of the threat of rain I decided to travel to the Metro Centre by car and found my way with a problem except missing the turning down to the Yellow wing parking and having to go round in a circle a short distance before realising the mistake. I had a coffee £1.49 at Macdonalds and then having misjudged the time ( an hour early) made my way to M and S where there was noting my size but there was at the opposite end at Debenhams but not in my size. The assistant here was also a big man but there was only in black and dark blue with a pin stripe. I had set my heart on dark grey I will check Debenhams in Newcastle and perhaps Sunderland.

As anticipated the Imax Theatre was packed for the 3.30 performance but the premium seat at the aisle meant that I was comfortable if closer to the screen that I would have wished. As I am reading the Hobbit I will leave the detailed account of the film until I reach the appropriate section of the film. For now I will say that I agree with Kermode Mayo review and also film night on BBC TV 1 that the film is too long and padded and should have been made before Lords of the Rings as two film. It takes liberties with the original story as a consequence although as when I come to right up the first part of the book and review the first film in this context Peter Jackson has kept faithful tot eh core story line and the long openings sequence at the shire home of Bilbo Baggins his home is appropriate although critics at the time and since have make much often lack of excitement, action and for them engagement. I disagree.

After the film I decided to make my way home where I enjoyed a pasta dish.